Hey y'all -
Just in case you forgot, you should be at 6400 Sunset Blvd promptly at 7p on Wednesday, October 8th 2014. Yes that is in 12 days. Yes that is 10 days before my actual birthday.
Yes we will go out afterward. I'm leaning toward Ball & Chain, but we're still TBD until we see who shows to listen to my nonsense . . .
The Mandala is an opportunity for employees of Amoeba Music to spin. I get my turn on the 1's and 2's on that particualr night. It is the official start of Birthday Jam 39. I do have to wrap up the tipple by 9 or 10, so be warned you late types.
Also, if ya can't make it, I'll be happy to provide you a copy of the set for $2.50. Yes. I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS! Heh.
And if anyone wants to drive me from the 'Bank to the 'Weird at 5p on the 8th, do let me know. Might be a choice chance for a little bullshittin' and pre-gamin' . . . just a thought . . .
But the question of the hour is:
Will I see YOU there?
Make it happen!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Took me a minute (well more like 3 weeks) but I finally got the eVite to send (apologies for duplicates yo!)
. . . who knew there was a limit to the number of friends someone is allowed to have. I swear internets! Too many daggone rules.
So if you didn't get an evite or think someone you know might should've, send 'em the info or just refer 'em to this here blogosphere, k?
See, well - some of you - soon, I hope.
The ones I'm allowed to invite anyways.
More soon (ish)

. . . who knew there was a limit to the number of friends someone is allowed to have. I swear internets! Too many daggone rules.
So if you didn't get an evite or think someone you know might should've, send 'em the info or just refer 'em to this here blogosphere, k?
See, well - some of you - soon, I hope.
The ones I'm allowed to invite anyways.
More soon (ish)
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Falling into place . . .
This is why I likes you guys.
Looks like my rides to and from the airports are fixed for 10/13 and 10/20.
I think I even have a back-up cover man!
If you had your heart set on driving me somewhere, let me know in case things change.
Or feel free to offer to pick me up from LAX this Thursday at 10:15a!
and turn this:
into this:
: )
Looks like my rides to and from the airports are fixed for 10/13 and 10/20.
I think I even have a back-up cover man!
If you had your heart set on driving me somewhere, let me know in case things change.
Or feel free to offer to pick me up from LAX this Thursday at 10:15a!
and turn this:
into this:
: )
Monday, September 8, 2014
Here's the Short List for Birthday Jam 39!
For those who think I talk too much. #everyone
Wednesday, 10/8/14
Buck Harder Mandala at Amoeba Music
7 - 8:30p
Post Show Tipple at TBD ('Weird)
8:30 - 10p (ish)
Monday, 10/13/14
Need a lift to Burbank Airport
BUR -> SFO 12:05p
10/14 - 17
Pumpkin Festival Prep at Half Moon Bay, CA
Saturday, 10/18/14 and Sunday, 10/19/14
Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay, CA
Monday, 10/20/14
Need a lift home from Bob Hope Airport
SFO -> BUR 3:40p
Thursday, 10/23/14
Lunch at Greyhound (Highland Park)
sometime between 12p and 2p
Birthday Jam Main Event at Gold Diggers (5632 Santa Monica Blvd, 'Weird 90038)
2pm - 2am (ish)
~putting a popsicle in it~
Wednesday, 10/8/14
Buck Harder Mandala at Amoeba Music
7 - 8:30p
Post Show Tipple at TBD ('Weird)
8:30 - 10p (ish)
Monday, 10/13/14
Need a lift to Burbank Airport
BUR -> SFO 12:05p
10/14 - 17
Pumpkin Festival Prep at Half Moon Bay, CA
Saturday, 10/18/14 and Sunday, 10/19/14
Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay, CA
Monday, 10/20/14
Need a lift home from Bob Hope Airport
SFO -> BUR 3:40p
Thursday, 10/23/14
Lunch at Greyhound (Highland Park)
sometime between 12p and 2p
Birthday Jam Main Event at Gold Diggers (5632 Santa Monica Blvd, 'Weird 90038)
2pm - 2am (ish)
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Birthday Jam 39
Hey y'all -
2014 has pretty much been a big old pile of suck for me so far - as I know it has been for some of the rest of you as well. In order to combat that continuous swell of ill feeling I have planned Birthday Jam 39. I do hope some of you will be able to join me at some point or another during the fine month of October for at least one or a part of one of these very important observances. ~snerk~
Like last year, I won't actually be home in HelL.A. for my natal day. so I'm planning a few events around the actual anniversary of my birth, celebrating my continuing and rapidly increasing ascent towards the proverbial hill.
As some of you know, I have had the good fortune to start working at the world's largest independent record store in the heart of the 'Weird. It was one of the few positive outcomes of 2014 for me and I treasure it. The store has kept me sane and my soul has been fed as I have been fortunate enough to be around fellow artists and weirdos several days a week. I am truly thankful for the post.
One of the interesting traditions at Amoeba is the Mandala every Wednesday. This is an opportunity for two employees to share DJ sets with their fellow co-workers and customers who are lucky enough to be shopping between 7 and 9pm. You should check it out if you're ever in the area and in the mood. These sets are always interesting on some level as Amoeba is peopled by a plethora of first-rate music geeks and deep niche dwellers.
I have the chance to spin my brand of novelty and absurdity on Wednesday, October 8th from 7 - 8:30pm. Why not drop by and have a listen and then after we'll go somewhere nearby for a drink? Okay, mebbe 2. We'll decide that based on who shows up. Maybe the Frolic Room? Maybe the new Dillon's? Maybe Ball & Chain for some delicious Zombiekiller and meatballs?
This first event in the series will be pretty low-key, but it's a good excuse to do some music/movie/paraphrenalia browsing and/or sshopping while letting me share with you . . . and it will certainly be an early night as I have a very early morning the next day. I know some of you will as well. It's 10 days before my actual birthday, but I'd sure love to have your ears in attendance. Maybe this will be the best option for you my Angelino 'Weirdos!
Oh, and you can bring your dogs to the store. FWIW. Stop by!
Following that evening, I have a few more days of work and then I will be headed back North to help out with the Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay. That will, of course, require travelling.
So on Monday, October 13th, does anyone feel like driving me from the Beaches at Hollywood and Normandie (or there abouts) to the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank at 10am? That'd be cool. And then we could have some one-on-one time. Whaddya say?
I'll be spending a few days on the Coastside with my eldest brother and his family. If anyone in the Bay Area would like to meet up I could potentially see ya on Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday evening round about Montara, though I won't have a car. Fair warning.
Or, if you're feeling adventurous, though we'll be working hard, you could visit Oddyssea (most likely Oddyssea Outside) during the Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 18th or Sunday, October 19th. We'll be busting ass on Thursday and Friday and Monday as well (for prep and clean-up respectively) so those aren't the best days to link up BUT I'll hug ya one way or t'other.
Whether I'm dressed like a pirate or no. (Which is likely friends.)
And yes, Saturday is my actual birthday for anyone keeping tabs. It will be nice to be with blood family again on this day, but I'll miss those of you who I won't see somewhat terribly. I'll work on it anyway. Heh.
After that busy, happy time, I will be headed back to Burbank, Monday night, October 20th. This will be another opportunity for someone to pick me up about 10p. Anybody game? I'd sure appreciate it! : )
After a couple more days of work I will have my full birthday celebration and I live in the hope that many of you can make it to the festivities. I'm gonna start the day by doing a little work - hopefully only a half day. Sometime between noon and 1 on Thursday, October 23rd I plan on heading to the Greyhound and saying hello to RyKo while I have a burger and sundries as a foundation for the day's festivities.
Anybody wanna get lunch? Or drive from Burbank to Highland Park to get said lunch? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Following that meal I will travel to the main event.
What is that you ask?
Well I'll tell ya. Two words: Gold Diggers
Though I have never been there, I plan on sitting at this notorious little spot from Open to Close - that is round about 2pm to approximately 2am. I will have been 39 for 5 days by that point, but they tell me everything's better with age. Let's see how much more rotted I smell as I get more besotted! Boogedy!
Let's get unfathomable. Let's belong.
(Read something about Gold Diggers here.)
Gold Diggers is located at:
5632 Santa Monica Blvd
(near St. Andrews)
Do drop in at some point during that time span and join me. Lambast, honor, belittle, caress, ridicule, adore as you will. What-have-you. Just be there!
Or maybe just bring me food as that will need to happen at some point.
I may even look this good!
If ya lucky!
I'll post clarifications as things coalesce, but I'm feeling pretty solid about this game plan. So pencil it in folks!
There's no need to RSVP for any of these events (unless you feel moved for some reason). Really. Just show up!
See you . . . pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssse???????
I realize I'm inviting a bunch of folks who cannot make any of these events. Don't get twisted. I'm just doing it 'cause I lourves ya and wish you could!
Besides, who knows? Y'all crazy! And some of you travel now and again for various reasons . . .
See what I'm gettin' at? (And I don't mean that pesky preposition! Heh.)
; )
Wednesday, 10/8/14
Buck Harder Mandala at Amoeba Music
7 - 8:30p
Post Show Tipple at TBD ('Weird)
8:30 - 10p (ish)
Monday, 10/13/14
Need a lift to Burbank Airport
BUR -> SFO 12:05p
10/14 - 17
Pumpkin Festival Prep at Half Moon Bay, CA
Saturday, 10/18/14 and Sunday, 10/19/14
Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay, CA
Monday, 10/20/14
Need a lift home from Bob Hope Airport
SFO -> BUR 3:40p
Thursday, 10/23/14
Lunch at Greyhound (Highland Park)
sometime between 12p and 2p
Birthday Jam Main Event at Gold Diggers (5632 Santa Monica Blvd, 'Weird 90038)
2pm - 2am (ish)
Let's hope the journey from 39 into 40 shows some significant improvements for ALL of us! : )
2014 has pretty much been a big old pile of suck for me so far - as I know it has been for some of the rest of you as well. In order to combat that continuous swell of ill feeling I have planned Birthday Jam 39. I do hope some of you will be able to join me at some point or another during the fine month of October for at least one or a part of one of these very important observances. ~snerk~
Like last year, I won't actually be home in HelL.A. for my natal day. so I'm planning a few events around the actual anniversary of my birth, celebrating my continuing and rapidly increasing ascent towards the proverbial hill.
As some of you know, I have had the good fortune to start working at the world's largest independent record store in the heart of the 'Weird. It was one of the few positive outcomes of 2014 for me and I treasure it. The store has kept me sane and my soul has been fed as I have been fortunate enough to be around fellow artists and weirdos several days a week. I am truly thankful for the post.
One of the interesting traditions at Amoeba is the Mandala every Wednesday. This is an opportunity for two employees to share DJ sets with their fellow co-workers and customers who are lucky enough to be shopping between 7 and 9pm. You should check it out if you're ever in the area and in the mood. These sets are always interesting on some level as Amoeba is peopled by a plethora of first-rate music geeks and deep niche dwellers.
I have the chance to spin my brand of novelty and absurdity on Wednesday, October 8th from 7 - 8:30pm. Why not drop by and have a listen and then after we'll go somewhere nearby for a drink? Okay, mebbe 2. We'll decide that based on who shows up. Maybe the Frolic Room? Maybe the new Dillon's? Maybe Ball & Chain for some delicious Zombiekiller and meatballs?
This first event in the series will be pretty low-key, but it's a good excuse to do some music/movie/paraphrenalia browsing and/or sshopping while letting me share with you . . . and it will certainly be an early night as I have a very early morning the next day. I know some of you will as well. It's 10 days before my actual birthday, but I'd sure love to have your ears in attendance. Maybe this will be the best option for you my Angelino 'Weirdos!
Oh, and you can bring your dogs to the store. FWIW. Stop by!
Following that evening, I have a few more days of work and then I will be headed back North to help out with the Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay. That will, of course, require travelling.
So on Monday, October 13th, does anyone feel like driving me from the Beaches at Hollywood and Normandie (or there abouts) to the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank at 10am? That'd be cool. And then we could have some one-on-one time. Whaddya say?
I'll be spending a few days on the Coastside with my eldest brother and his family. If anyone in the Bay Area would like to meet up I could potentially see ya on Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday evening round about Montara, though I won't have a car. Fair warning.
Or, if you're feeling adventurous, though we'll be working hard, you could visit Oddyssea (most likely Oddyssea Outside) during the Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 18th or Sunday, October 19th. We'll be busting ass on Thursday and Friday and Monday as well (for prep and clean-up respectively) so those aren't the best days to link up BUT I'll hug ya one way or t'other.
Whether I'm dressed like a pirate or no. (Which is likely friends.)
And yes, Saturday is my actual birthday for anyone keeping tabs. It will be nice to be with blood family again on this day, but I'll miss those of you who I won't see somewhat terribly. I'll work on it anyway. Heh.
After that busy, happy time, I will be headed back to Burbank, Monday night, October 20th. This will be another opportunity for someone to pick me up about 10p. Anybody game? I'd sure appreciate it! : )
After a couple more days of work I will have my full birthday celebration and I live in the hope that many of you can make it to the festivities. I'm gonna start the day by doing a little work - hopefully only a half day. Sometime between noon and 1 on Thursday, October 23rd I plan on heading to the Greyhound and saying hello to RyKo while I have a burger and sundries as a foundation for the day's festivities.
Anybody wanna get lunch? Or drive from Burbank to Highland Park to get said lunch? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Following that meal I will travel to the main event.
What is that you ask?
Well I'll tell ya. Two words: Gold Diggers
Though I have never been there, I plan on sitting at this notorious little spot from Open to Close - that is round about 2pm to approximately 2am. I will have been 39 for 5 days by that point, but they tell me everything's better with age. Let's see how much more rotted I smell as I get more besotted! Boogedy!
Let's get unfathomable. Let's belong.
(Read something about Gold Diggers here.)
Gold Diggers is located at:
5632 Santa Monica Blvd
(near St. Andrews)
Do drop in at some point during that time span and join me. Lambast, honor, belittle, caress, ridicule, adore as you will. What-have-you. Just be there!
Or maybe just bring me food as that will need to happen at some point.
I may even look this good!
If ya lucky!
I'll post clarifications as things coalesce, but I'm feeling pretty solid about this game plan. So pencil it in folks!
There's no need to RSVP for any of these events (unless you feel moved for some reason). Really. Just show up!
See you . . . pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssse???????
I realize I'm inviting a bunch of folks who cannot make any of these events. Don't get twisted. I'm just doing it 'cause I lourves ya and wish you could!
Besides, who knows? Y'all crazy! And some of you travel now and again for various reasons . . .
See what I'm gettin' at? (And I don't mean that pesky preposition! Heh.)
; )
Wednesday, 10/8/14
Buck Harder Mandala at Amoeba Music
7 - 8:30p
Post Show Tipple at TBD ('Weird)
8:30 - 10p (ish)
Monday, 10/13/14
Need a lift to Burbank Airport
BUR -> SFO 12:05p
10/14 - 17
Pumpkin Festival Prep at Half Moon Bay, CA
Saturday, 10/18/14 and Sunday, 10/19/14
Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay, CA
Monday, 10/20/14
Need a lift home from Bob Hope Airport
SFO -> BUR 3:40p
Thursday, 10/23/14
Lunch at Greyhound (Highland Park)
sometime between 12p and 2p
Birthday Jam Main Event at Gold Diggers (5632 Santa Monica Blvd, 'Weird 90038)
2pm - 2am (ish)
Let's hope the journey from 39 into 40 shows some significant improvements for ALL of us! : )
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